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Biltong and Blue Cheese Sourdough Pizza Slices

Only have 15 mins to spare for a quick snack in between your zoom meetings? Well, that’s more than enough time to whip up these delicious Ember Original Biltong pizza slices by Abbigail Cooper (@abbigail_eats). 

This one definitely hits top marks for a quick, easy, and tasty high protein snack.

For more recipes, check out our biltong recipe collection.

Prep time: 5 mins

Cook time: 5 mins

Makes 2 - 4 slices


  • 14g Ember Original Biltong, 7g per slice
  • 2 tbsps Tomato purée or sauce per slice
  • 80g Cheddar cheese slices or grated, 40g per slice
  • 10g Blue cheese, 5g per slice
  • Sprinkle of mixed chilli flakes


1 pack of Original Biltong can make 4 slices but this recipe only uses half a pack for 2 slices to serve 1 person.

  1. Slice a sourdough loaf and toast them slightly under the grill or in a toaster
  2. Spread the tomato purée or sauce (or even tomato ketchup) on top of your slightly toasted sourdough
  3. Add in your grated or sliced cheddar cheese
  4. Pop in the grill or toaster until the cheese starts to melt (be careful to not let it fully melt or burn)
  5. Once it’s starting to melt take it out of the grill and top with your favourite biltong and small bits of blue cheese and chilli flakes
  6. Pop back under the grill for a further 5-10 seconds until nicely melted and warm
  7. Serve and enjoy with a side dip of your choice

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