How we make our biltong

Right from day one, we’ve been making our biltong out of the best British and Irish silverside beef we can get our hands on. We’re talking top of the range, king of the pastures - high in protein and deeply rich in flavour. If you’ve tried our biltong, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about. If this is your first time coming across biltong, check out our What Is Biltong guide.

How to make biltong?

We recommend reading our dedicated guide on "How to make biltong".

But just how do we get our biltong so tender and tasty? Well, we’ve been perfecting our process for rather a long time (years, to be exact), trying out all kinds of methods and cutting zero corners to get it just right. It’s taken a while to get our snacks exactly as they should be - but good things come to those who wait. And those who obsess over the perfect cut of beef.

It’s always nice to learn about how your favourite food is made. Makes things even tastier, don’t you think? So allow us to tell you a little more about what goes into crafting every piece of Ember biltong  - all the way from farm to snack.

Our meat

We know what you’re thinking as you tuck into that bag of biltong; how is this so damn delicious? The simple answer is that it’s all about the meat. We source all our lovely beef from British and Irish farms who put quality of the product above all else. That’s why our biltong is so ridiculously tender, rich and moreish - it comes from farmers who care. 

Our method

We make our snacks the old fashioned way: marinating, seasoning and curing homegrown beef into biltong we’re proud to put our name to. 

We take lean strips of top-quality silverside beef, rub them in a medley of herbs and spices, then hang them to dry. It sounds simple, but we’ve perfected the method over time, with plenty of trial and error along the way. All to bring you the best-tasting biltong imaginable. 

As for the seasoning? We spent ages exploring different flavour combinations in search of that natural, deep flavour you know and love from us. We use simple, honest ingredients and not a grain of added sugar - so it’s all about the good stuff with no unnecessary nasties. Oh, and 16g of proper tasty protein per portion. 

All this biltong talk has probably got you hungry. Click here to get your hands on a bag now. 

So what’s next?

We’ve been hard at work around the kitchen table over the last year, exploring British seasonings and closely studying the charcuterie process. 

So what have we come up with? High protein charcuterie snacks, cured the old fashioned way for maximum flavour. We’ve even thrown in a bit of quinoa to replace bad fats and keep the texture just right. Our charcuterie is made using British beef and pork from farms we know and trust. In fact, it’s our most sustainable product yet. 

We were chuffed to see our charcuterie snacks sell out really fast last time. But not to worry, a load more new stock will be coming your way very soon - with brand new flavours for you to feast on. 

Have a go at some of our biltong recipes...

One last thing on biltong. If you’ve been looking for ways to add some more natural protein to your recipes, look no further than our collection ofbiltong recipes. You’ll find everything from hearty breakfast dishes to salad ideas, all using a handful of our biltong. Who knew a meat snack could be so versatile?


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